Article 2 - Exceptions to Statewide Standards
- Section 18 AAC 70.205 - Water quality standards variance
- Section 18 AAC 70.200 - Short-term variance
- Section 18 AAC 70.210 - Zones of deposit
- Section 18 AAC 70.220 - Thermal discharges
- Section 18 AAC 70.230 - Procedure for reclassification; reclassified waters
- Section 18 AAC 70.235 - Site-specific criteria
- Section 18 AAC 70.236 - Waterbodies subject to site-specific criteria
- Section 18 AAC 70.240 - Mixing zones
- Section 18 AAC 70.245 - Mixing zones: Appropriateness and size determination (Repealed)
- Section 18 AAC 70.250 - Mixing zones: General conditions (Repealed)
- Section 18 AAC 70.255 - Mixing zones: In-zone quality and size specifications (Repealed)
- Section 18 AAC 70.260 - Mixing zones: Application requirements (Repealed)
- Section 18 AAC 70.270 - Mixing zones: Termination, modification, or denial of renewal (Repealed)