Article 2 - Driveway and Approach Road Permits
- Section 17 AAC 10.020 - Driveways and approach roads
- Section 17 AAC 10.030 - Driveway and road approach permits and utilities
- Section 17 AAC 10.040 - Technical requirements
- Section 17 AAC 10.050 - Definitions (Repealed)
- Section 17 AAC 10.060 - Driveways not part of highway construction
- Section 17 AAC 10.065 - Fees
- Section 17 AAC 10.070 - Traffic impact analysis
- Section 17 AAC 10.075 - Traffic impact mitigation
- Section 17 AAC 10.080 - Permit issuance
- Section 17 AAC 10.095 - Cooperative traffic impact analysis