15 Alaska Admin. Code § 65.020

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 15 AAC 65.020 - Mining license application and renewal
(a) A person required to obtain a license by AS 43.65.010 and 15 AAC 65.010 shall file an application for a license on a form provided by the department. The following information must be provided:
(1) applicant's name;
(2) mailing address;
(3) federal employer identification number (EIN) or social security number (SSN);
(4) year for which the license is requested;
(5) location of operation, i.e., creek, property, recording district;
(6) the date on which production first began;
(7) the name and address of the owner of the property, if the property is being leased by the applicant;
(8) the serial number of the lease or sale, if applicable, as assigned by the Department of Natural Resources;
(9) the nature or type of mining activity to be conducted; and
(10) other information required by the department.
(b) Application for an initial mining license must be made on or before the time the mining operation enters the developmental phase.
(c) A license expires on April 30 of each year and must be renewed by filing a renewal application before May 1, on a form provided by the department.
(d) Upon receipt of an application, the department will issue a mining license to the applicant.

15 AAC 65.020

Eff. 8/9/86, Register 99; am 7/8/2020, Register 235, October 2020

Authority:AS 43.05.080

AS 43.65.010

AS 43.65.030