In 15 AAC 155.010 - 15 AAC 155.990,
15 AAC 155.990
15 AAC 155.990 is derived from 19 AAC 69.190, 19 AAC 69.290 and 19 AAC 69.410. The history note for 15 AAC 155.990 does not reflect the history of the sections under 19 AAC 69.190, 19 AAC 69.290 and 19 AAC 69.410.
As of Register 192 (January 2010), the regulations attorney made a technical revision under AS 44.62.125(b)(6), to 15 AAC 155.990(13), to reflect the name change of the Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation to the Alaska Aerospace Corporation made by ch. 60, SLA 2009.
Even though the amendment of the definition of "standard" in 15 AAC 155.990 was effective 3/9/2011, it was not published until Register 204, January 2013.
Even though amendments of the definitions of "energy rating" and "standards" in 15 AAC 155.990 were effective 4/3/2013, they were not published until Register 209, April 2014.
Authority:AS 18.56.088
AS 18.56.096
AS 18.56.410
AS 18.56.850
AS 46.11.040
AS 46.11.900