13 Alaska Admin. Code § 04.230

Current through August 30, 2024
Section 13 AAC 04.230 - Tires
(a) No person may drive or move on a highway a motor vehicle or trailer having a metal tire in contact with the roadway.
(b) No tire on a vehicle moved on a highway may have on its periphery a protuberance of a material other than rubber which projects beyond the tread of the traction surface of the tire, except that it is permissible to use
(1) implements of husbandry with tires having protuberances which will not injure the highway;
(2) tire chains when required for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions which may cause a vehicle to skid; or
(3) pneumatic tires having studs designed to improve traction without substantially injuring the surface of the highway; however, their use may be limited to certain months or types of vehicles, or both.
(c) The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities or a municipality, in their respective jurisdiction, may issue a special permit authorizing the driving of a traction engine or tractor, except a snow vehicle, having movable tracks with transverse corrugations on the periphery of the movable tracks, or a farm tractor or other farm machinery, which would otherwise be prohibited under this section. The driver of the vehicle must provide planking under the treads to protect the surface of the roadway or bridge.
(d) Every solid rubber tire on a vehicle must have rubber on its entire traction surface at least one inch thick above the edge of the flange of the entire periphery.
(e) No person may drive a vehicle with a tire in unsafe operating condition or with a tread depth of less than two thirty-seconds of an inch measured in two adjacent tread grooves at three equally spaced intervals around the circumference of the tire. No tread measurements may be made at the location of a tread wear indicator, tie bar, hump or fillet.
(f) No person in the business of selling, repairing or installing tires may sell, offer for sale, or install for highway use a tire which is in unsafe condition or which has a tread depth of less than two thirty-seconds of an inch measured as specified in (e) of this section.

13 AAC 04.230

In effect before 7/28/59; am 12/15/61, Register 3; am 8/10/66, Register 22; am 12/31/69, Register 31; am 6/28/79, Register 70

Authority:AS 28.05.011