Current through December 21, 2024
Section 12 AAC 52.885 - Purged database recordsThe following information will be purged from the PDMP database after two years have elapsed from the date the prescription was dispensed:
(1) the name of the prescribing practitioner and the practitioner's federal Drug Enforcement Administration registration number or other appropriate identifier; (2) the date of the prescription; (3) the date the prescription was filled and the method of payment; (4) the name, address, and date of birth of the person for whom the prescription was written;(5) the name and national drug code of the controlled substance;(6) the quantity and strength of the controlled substance dispensed;(7) the name of the drug outlet dispensing the controlled substance; and(8) the name of the pharmacist or practitioner dispensing the controlled substance and other appropriate identifying information.Eff. 6/7/2018,Register 226, July 2018Authority:AS 08.80.005
AS 08.80.030
AS 17.30.200