11 Alaska Admin. Code § 87.100

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 11 AAC 87.100 - Well identification
(a) Every well and every operating geothermal drilling rig must be identified by a sign posted in a conspicuous place on or near the well. The sign must be of durable construction, large enough to be legible under normal conditions at a distance of 50 feet, and maintained in legible condition. Each sign must show
(1) the name of the lease or ADL number, if applicable;
(2) the name of the landowner or lessee;
(3) the name of the operator;
(4) the well number;
(5) the well surface location by quarter section, township, range and meridian; and
(6) the drilling permit number, if applicable.
(b) The name of each lease or unit must be different and distinct.
(c) The wells on each lease or property must be numbered in a logical and distinct sequence.

11 AAC 87.100

Eff. 5/8/83, Register 86

Authority:AS 41.06.020

AS 41.06.040