11 Alaska Admin. Code § 86.135

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 11 AAC 86.135 - Mineral deposits open to location
(a) Rights in and to deposits of locatable minerals, except on tide and submerged land as specified in (c) of this section, may be acquired by making a mineral location in conformance with AS 38.05.185-38.05.275 and 11 AAC 86, unless the deposits are in or on state land that is closed to location. To constitute a valid location, both discovery and posting of the location notice must occur during a time when the land is open to location.
(b) This section constitutes the commissioner's finding, in accordance with AS 38.05.185(a), that selling or leasing of land, or conveying land under AS 29.65.010-29.65.140 or AS 38.05.810, other than a locatable mineral interest, with the mineral rights reserved to the state, creates potential use conflicts requiring that mining be allowed only under written leases. If the land remains open to location, a location made on that land after the sale, lease, or conveyance is a leasehold location.
(c) Rights in and to deposits of locatable minerals on tide and submerged land may be acquired only under the provisions of AS 38.05.250 and 11 AAC 86.500 - 11 AAC 86.570, except that tide and submerged land may be included in a location under AS 38.05.195 if two corners are on or above the line of mean high tide.
(d) If the land upon which a location is made is restricted to mining under lease before the discovery date or the date the location notice was posted, the locator has prior rights only to a leasehold location under AS 38.05.205.
(e) Notice will be given under AS 38.05.945 before an order closing land to mining or mineral location or restricting it to mining under lease is issued, amended, or revoked.

11 AAC 86.135

Eff. 9/5/74, Register 51; am 5/30/85, Register 94; am 5/18/90, Register 114; am 8/26/98, Register 147

Authority:AS 38.05.020

AS 38.05.185

AS 38.05.205

AS 38.05.275

AS 38.05.300