11 Alaska Admin. Code § 83.1020

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 11 AAC 83.1020 - Evidence of discovery and production in paying quantities
(a) Within one year of the discovery well completion date, the lessee shall apply to the commissioner for a discovery well certification. The application must be accompanied by evidence to establish the discovery of a previously undiscovered pool and evidence that a well within the pool is capable of production in paying quantities.
(b) The evidence accompanying the application described in (a) of this section must include:
(1) casing records, perforation data, well test information, electric logs, drilling logs, mud logs, information derived from sample cuttings and logs, and the lessee's pre-drilling and post-drilling interpretation of the prospect;
(2) all geophysical and geochemical data, core analyses, age control, and any other information, data, records or interpretations that the lessee deems pertinent; and
(3) the data required under 11 AAC 83.361 to make a certification that a well within the pool is capable of production in paying quantities;
(c) The lessee shall notify the commissioner five days in advance of the flow test required under 11 AAC 83.361 and furnish transportation, if requested, to the commissioner or the commissioner's representative to witness the flow test.
(d) The lessee shall submit the application fee prescribed in 11 AAC 05.110 for the application for Cook Inlet discovery royalty with the application for a discovery well certification.

11 AAC 83.1020

Eff. 2/21/98, Register 145; am 7/1/2018,Register 227, October 2018

Authority:AS 38.05.020

AS 38.05.134

AS 38.05.135

AS 38.05.145

AS 38.05.180(f)