11 Alaska Admin. Code § 05.250

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 11 AAC 05.250 - Uniform commercial code (UCC)
(a) Fees under AS 45.29.501-45.29.530, Uniform Commercial Code, Secured Transactions; filing, (UCC) for services and products of the recorder's office regarding UCC records within the meaning given in 11 AAC 06.900 are as follows:
(1) UCC initial financing statement, $20 each filing;
(2) UCC amendment, including an assignment, continuation, partial release, or termination, $10 each function;
(3) UCC information statement, $10 each filing;
(4) UCC transmitting utility filing, $50 each filing;
(5) request for information, $15 each debtor name;
(6) request for information with copy, $25 each debtor name;
(7) individual copy, $2;
(8) certification, $5 added to the copy fee set out in (7) of this subsection.

11 AAC 05.250

7/1/2018,Register 227, October 2018

AS 38.04.900

AS 38.05.020

AS 38.05.035

AS 44.37.020

AS 44.37.027

AS 45.29.525