Chapter 580-5-30G - [Repealed]
- Section 580-5-30G-.01 - Program
- Section 580-5-30G-.02 - Staffing Pattern
- Section 580-5-30G-.03 - Intake
- Section 580-5-30G-.04 - Enrollment And Admission
- Section 580-5-30G-.05 - Diagnostic Evaluation
- Section 580-5-30G-.06 - The Individual Program Plan (IPP)
- Section 580-5-30G-.07 - Implementation Of The Individual Program Plan
- Section 580-5-30G-.08 - Client Records
- Section 580-5-30G-.09 - Medical Services
- Section 580-5-30G-.10 - Medications
- Section 580-5-30G-.11 - Nutritional Services
- Section 580-5-30G-.12 - Transfer
- Section 580-5-30G-.13 - Discharge