I Long-stem indicating thermometer which are accurate within 0.5° F., plus or minus, for the applicable temperature range, shall be provided for checking the temperature of pasteurization and cooling of products in vats and checking the accuracy of recording thermometers.
II Short-stem indicating thermometers, which are accurate within 0.5° F., plus or minus, for the applicable temperature range, shall be installed in the proper stationary position in all HTST, and dome-type pasteurizers. Storage tanks where temperature readings are required shall have thermometers which are accurate within 2.0° F., plus or minus.
III Air-space indicating thermometers, where applicable, which are accurate within 1.0° F., plus or minus, for the proper temperatures range shall also be installed above the surface of the products pasteurized in vats, to make certain that the temperature of the foam and/or air above the products pasteurized also received the required minimum temperature treatment.
I HTST recording thermometers that are accurate within 1° F., plus or minus, for the applicable temperature range, shall be used on each heat treating, pasteurizing, or sterilizing unit to record the heating process.
II Additional use of recording thermometers accurate within 2° F., plus or minus, may be required where a record of temperature or time of cooling and holding is of significant importance.
All equipment and utensils necessary to the manufacture of dry milk products, including pasteurizer, timing pump or device, flow diversion valve and recorder controller, shall meet the same general requirements as outlined in 420-3-17-.05 l(d). In addition, for certain other equipment the following requirements shall be met.
Ala. Admin. Code r. 420-2-17-.05
Statutory Authority: