Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 3, December 31, 2024
Section 420-3-1-.37 - Site Limitation Determination(1) Site evaluations may be performed using percolation tests, soil mapping, soil morphology, or the unified system as described in these rules.(2) The site evaluation shall be completed by one of the following who shall be licensed, registered, and certified in the state of Alabama: an engineer, land surveyor, geologist, or soil classifier; and in some cases, a PHESS. All sites on which an OSS/EDS is proposed shall be evaluated and rated using the following six factors:(a) Soil permeability: see 420-3-1-.39 Soil Permeability.(b) Depth to Average Seasonal High Extended Saturation (ASHES): see 420-3-1-.40 Soil Testing Depth Requirements and 420-3-1-.42 Soil Restriction Depth and Vertical Separation.(c) Depth to bedrock or other restrictive layer or horizon: see 420-3-1-.40 Soil Testing Depth Requirements and 420-3-1-.42 Soil Restriction Depth and Vertical Separation.(d) Slope and landform limitations: see 420-3-1-.38 Slope and Landform Limitations.(e) Potential for frequent flooding: see 420-3-1-.38 Slope and Land. form Limitations.(f) Presence of surface saturated soils: see 420-3-1-.38 Slope and Landform Limitations.(3) The most limiting factor shall determine the suitability of the site for a Conventional OSS, Engineered OSS, or EDS.(4) The limitation rating of each factor can be determined from Table 7 and Table 18.(5) All soil and site conditions, site limitations, restrictive layer or horizon, and soil tests and evaluation results may be verified by ADPH.Ala. Admin. Code r. 420-3-1-.37
Filed July 20, 1988. Amended: Filed June 19, 1992. Amended: Filed November 18, 1998; effective December 23, 1998. Repealed and New Rule: Filed December 16, 1999; effective January 20, 2000. Repealed and New Rule: October 20, 2005; effective November 24, 2005; operative March 19, 2006.Adopted by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXV, Issue No. 04, January 31, 2017, eff. 3/5/2017.Adopted by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XLI, Issue No. 03, December 30, 2022, eff. 2/13/2023.Previous Rule .61 was renumbered .37 per certification published December 30, 2022; effective February 13, 2023.
Author: David Gray
Statutory Authority:Code of Ala. 1975, §§ 22-2-2(4); 22-2-2(6); 22-10-1, et seq.; 22-26-1et seq.