In notice document E5-653 beginning on page 3458 in the issue of Monday, January 23, 2006, make the following correction:
On page 3460, the table is corrected in part to read as follows:
In rule document 06-4 beginning on page 654 in the issue of Thursday, January 5, 2006, make the following corrections:
1. On page 716, in Table IV.G-1, in the third column, in the fifth entry, “No later than October 1, 20133” should read “No later than October 1, 20123”.
2. On the same page, in the same table, in the fourth column, in the fifth entry, “No later than October 1, 20123” should read “No later than October 1, 20133”.
3. On the same page, in Table IV.G-2, in the first column, in the fourth line, “Report notice intent” should read “Report notice of intent”.
4. On page 724, in Table IV.J-1, in footnote 8, in the first and second lines, “enzyme glucuronidase” should read “enzyme βglucuronidase”.
[FR Doc. Z6-653 Filed 1-27-06; 8:45 am]
[FR Doc. C6-4 Filed 1-27-06; 8:45 am]