The Western Union Telegraph Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsFeb 19, 194239 N.L.R.B. 31 (N.L.R.B. 1942) Copy Citation In the Matter of THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY and TELEGRAPH WORKERS INDEPENDENT UNION In the Matter of THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY and COMMERCIAL TELEGRAPHERS UNION, WESTERN UNION LOCAL No. 1 In the Matter of THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY and COMMERCIAL TELEGRAPHERS UNION, WESTERN UNION LOCAL No. 94 In the Matter of THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY and LOCAL UNION No. 2, WESTERN UNION DIVISION OF COMMERCIAL TELEGRAPHERS UNION Cases Nos. R-2966 to R-&969, inclusive, respectively, R-12974 and R-2975 CERTIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVES February 19, 19.lµ2 On November 10, 1941, the National Labor Relations Board, herein called the Board, issued a Decision and Direction of Elections in the above-entitled proceeding? On January 7, 1942, the Board issued a Supplemental Decision, Second Direction of Election and Certifica- tion of Representatives.2 On January 27, 1942, the Board issued an Amendment to Second Direction of Election.3 Pursuant to the Second Direction of Election, as amended, an election by secret ballot was conducted on February 4 and 5, 1942, under the direction and supervision of the Regional Director for the Thirteenth Region (Chi- cago, Illinois). On February 6, 1942, the Regional Director, "acting pursuant, to Article III, Section 9, of National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations-Series 2, as amended, issued and duly served upon the parties an Election Report upon the ballot. No objections to the conduct of the ballot or to the Election Report have been filed by any of the parties. 136 N L. R.B 812 2 38 N. L. R. B 60 3 38 N L R B 64. 39 N L. R. B., No. 8. 31 448u 05-42-vol. 39-4 32 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD As to the balloting and its results, the Regional Director reported as follows : - Total on eligibility list_ ___________________________________ 2, 642 Total ballots cast------------------------------------------ 1,903 Total ballots challenged___________________________________ 19 Total blank ballots - --------------- _----------------- 2 Total void ballots ----------------------------------------- 2 Total valid votes counted -- -- _---- _----------------- _------ 1,880 Votes cast for Telegraph Workers Independent Union_______ Votes cast for Commercial Telegraphers Union, Western 765 Union Local No. 1, affiliated with the A.'F. of L___________ 1,115. By virtue -of and pursuant to the power vested, in the National Labor, Relations Board by Section 9 (c), of the National Labor Rela- tions Act, 49 Stat. 449,,and.pur-suant to Article III, Sections 8 and 9, of National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations-Series 2, as amended, - IT I8 ''HEREBY CERTIFIED that Commercial Telegraphers'- Union, Western Union Local No. 1, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, has been designated and selected by a majority of all em- ployees in "the 'commercial, Araflic, 'plant, and 'accounting depart- ments at the Chicago office of The Western Union Telegraph Com- pany, including employees listed in Appendix B, but excluding employees listed in Appendices A and C' and -temporary, employees, as their, representative for the purposes of collective bargaining, and that, pursuant to,Section 9 (a). of the•National Labor Relations Act, Commercial, Telegraphers Union,Western Union Local No. 1, affili- ated with the American Federation of Labor, is the exclusive repre- sentative of;all such employees for the,purposes of collective bargain- ing with respect to, rates of'pay, wages, hours of employment, and other, conditions of employment. ,, . I 1 7 i. APPENDIX .A General Manager's Office General, Manager Division Sales Manager Division Commercial Managers Chief Clerk Assistant Chief Clerk General Manager's Private Secre- tary Clerk in charge of Office Leases, Lay-outs, Agencies, etc. -Clerk in charge of Railroad Con- tracts,, Telephone Companies, etc. Clerk in charge of Disbursement Section Clerk in charge of System and Methods Section Clerk in charge of Terminal Handling Section THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY General Manager 's Ogee-Continued 33 Clerk in charge of Addressograph Clerk in charge of Operations and Bureau,,, Personnel Section G. J. Marcipan Division Sales Representative Clerk in charge of Sales Section First District O goes District Superintendent Chief Clerk District Sales Manager Relief Managers Third District Ogees District 'Superintendent Chief Clerk District Sales Manager Relief Managers District Manager Division Traffic Superintendent's Office Division Traffic Superintendent Assistant to ,Division Traffic Assistant Division Traffic Stiper-, Engineer intendent - - Traffic Accountant Division Traffic Supervisors Division Engineer Assistants Division T & R Chief Confidential Stenographer Division Traffic Engineer Dispatcher Chief Clerk Night, Dispatchers Division Traffic Inspectors Division Plant Superintendent's O f lice Division Plant Superintendent Division Supervisor of Main- tenance Division Supervisor of Lines Division Supervisor of Equip- ment Division Ticker Supervisor Division Plant Engineer Division Valuation and Tax En- gineer Chief Clerk Maintenance Supervisor Construction Supervisor Equipment Supervisor Ticker Supervisor, Building Supervisor Supervisors Maintenance Foremen General Foremen Chief Inspectors Division Auditor's 0 ffice " ' ' Division Auditor' Chief Accountant Supervisor of Accounting Centers Chief Traveling Auditor Traveling Auditors Plant Accountant Accounting Section Supervisor Money Order Supervisor Authorization Clerks Service Record Clerk Confidential Stenographer 34 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD APPENDIX B Messengers Building Force Employees T & R Students Divisional Stores Employees Division and District Headquar- Equipment Construction Force ters Employees _ APPENDIX C Commercial Department Superintendent Assistant Superintendent City Commercial Managers Sales Managers Chief Clerk , Manager ' of Credits and Collec- tions Manager Delivery Department Assistant Delivery Manager Cashier - Superintendent's Confidential Clerk Traffic Clerks in charge of Messenger Personnel Clerk in charge of Messenger Assignment Radcliff Schroeder W. Rich L. D. Gallaher G. P. Kirscht Joseph Pope J. E. Meyers E. R. Bartosek Distribution Messengers Department Traffic Manager Night Traffic Managers Assistant Traffic Managers Chief Operator Board of Trade T & R Chief Automatic Chief Unit Supervisor Senior Supervisors Monitors Instructors Wire Chief Repeater Chief Section Supervisors Clerical Supervisors Confidential Clerk to Traffic Manager Confidential Stenographer to Traffic Manager Restaurant Manager Assistant Restaurant Manager Morse Supervisors Automatic Supervisors Teleprint Supervisors Telephone Supervisors Routing Supervisors Service Supervisors C & D Supervisors Mark Taylor May Miller Catherine Dellmore Carlson Lopresti Semmelring THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY 35 Plant Department Metropolitan Plant Superintend- Ticker Supervisor ent Cable Foremen Maintenance Foremen Chief Inspector City Foremen Confidential Clerk Building Forces Equipment Foremen Forewoman Head Engineer Head Janitor Equipment Construction Forces Equipment Foremen Tube Maintainer Foremen Special Foremen Division Stores Division Storekeeper Depot. Manager Assistant Division Storekeeper Accounting Department Accounting Center Manager Supervisors who can recommend Assistant Accounting Center Hiring and Discharge Manager Warehouse All employees Line Gang Forces All employees Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation