Saint Luke's Memorial Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Episcopal San Lucas PonceDownload PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Unpublished Board DecisionsDec 3, 201224-CA-071324 (N.L.R.B. Dec. 3, 2012) Copy Citation 1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD SAINT LUKE’S MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, INC. d/b/a HOSPITAL EPISCOPAL SAN LUCAS PONCE and Cases 24-CA-071324 24-CA-076352 UNIDAD LABORAL DE ENFERMEROS/AS Y EMPLEADOS DE LA SALUD DECISION AND ORDER Statement of the Cases On September 28, 2012, Saint Luke’s Memorial Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Episcopal San Lucas Ponce (the Respondent), Unidad Laboral de Enfermeros/as y Empleados de la Salud (the Union), and the Acting General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board entered into a Formal Settlement Stipulation, subject to the Board’s approval, providing for the entry of a consent order by the Board and a consent judgment by any appropriate United States Court of Appeals. The parties waived all further and other proceedings before the Board to which they may be entitled under the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, and the Board’s Rules and Regulations, and the Respondent waived its right to contest the entry of a consent judgment or to receive further notice of the application therefor. The Formal Settlement Stipulation is approved and made a part of the record, and the proceeding is transferred to and continued before the Board in Washington, D.C., for the entry of a Decision and Order pursuant to the provisions of the Formal Settlement Stipulation. Based on the Formal Settlement Stipulation and the entire record, the Board makes the following: Findings of Fact The Respondent’s business The Respondent is a Puerto Rico corporation with an office and place of business in Ponce, Puerto Rico (the Hospital), and has been engaged in the operation of a hospital providing acute health care services. During the 12-month period ending on September 28, 2012, the Respondent, in conducting its business operations at the Hospital, derived gross revenues in excess of $250,000. 2 In conducting its business operations, the Respondent purchased and received at the Hospital goods valued in excess of $50,000 directly from outside the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The Respondent is now, and has been at all material times, an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act, and has been a health care institution within the meaning of Section 2(14) of the Act. The Union is a labor organization within the meaning of Section 2(5) of the Act. The following employees of the Respondent (the Units) constitute units appropriate for the purposes of collective-bargaining within the meaning of Section 9(b) of the Act: UNIT A Included: All registered nurses employed by Respondent for its cardiovascular operations at the Cardiovascular Department in its hospital located in Ponce, Puerto Rico, performing duties of registered nurses, including the head nurses. Excluded: All other employees, executives, administrators, supervisors, nurses in services training, and any other person who is authorized, on behalf of Respondent, to hire, dismiss, promote, discipline and/or in any other way to vary the status of the employees, and/or to effectively recommend any such action including the Nurse Services Director and its assistant. UNIT B Included: All practical nurses employed by Respondent for its cardiovascular operations at the Cardiovascular Department in its Hospital located in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Excluded: All other employees, including executives, administrators, professionals, technicians, clerks, maintenance employees, laundry employees, cooks, nurses in training process, graduate nurses, drivers, warehouse employees, pharmacy assistants, cafeteria employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. UNIT C Included: All office clerical employees and surgery room technicians employed by Respondent at its Cardiovascular Department located in Ponce, Puerto Rico. 3 Excluded: Administrative and executive employees, the secretaries for the administrator, the secretary for the medical director, the secretary to the personnel director, the secretary for the Comptroller, the secretary for the nursing director, professional personnel, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, occasional and part-time X-ray technicians, X-ray technicians not within the Cardiovascular Department, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act; and any other person who is authorized on behalf of Respondent to hire, promote, dismiss, discipline and in any other way to vary the status of the employees, and to effectively recommend any such action, advisors and directors, and employees included in other collective bargaining units at the Employer’s Hospital. Since about March 3, 2008, and at all material times, the Union has been the designated exclusive collective-bargaining representative of the employees in Unit A, Unit B, and Unit C, and since then the Union has been recognized as the representative by the Respondent. This recognition has been embodied in an informal Settlement Agreement executed by the parties and approved by the Regional Director for Region 24 on March 3, 2008 in Cases 24-CA-010618 et al. At all times since March 3, 2008, based on Section 9(a) of the Act, the Union has been the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of the Units. ORDER Based on the above findings of fact, the Formal Settlement Stipulation, and the entire record, and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Relations Board orders that: The Respondent, Saint Luke’s Memorial Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Episcopal San Lucas Ponce, Ponce, Puerto Rico, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns shall 1. Cease and desist from a. Failing and refusing to bargain in good faith concerning rates of pay, wages, and hours of employment and other terms and conditions of employment with Unidad Laboral de Enfermeros/as y Empleados de la Salud (the Union), as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of the employees in Units A, B, and C described above, by making changes in terms of employment of its employees in the Units without prior notice to and/or bargaining with the Union to a good faith impasse. b. Failing and refusing to bargain collectively with the Union by refusing to provide requested information and/or failing and refusing to provide requested information in a timely manner. 4 c. Failing and refusing to bargain collectively with the Union by unilaterally issuing and promulgating an employee handbook to the Units containing new terms of employment, without first providing notice to the Union and affording it an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over the changes to the handbook. d. Failing and refusing to bargain collectively with the Union by, unilaterally and contrary to past practice, transferring employees from one department to another department, without first providing notice to the Union and affording it an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over that matter. e. Failing and refusing to bargain collectively with the Union by, unilaterally and contrary to past practice, changing the work schedules of its employees without first providing notice to the Union and affording it an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over that matter. f. Failing and refusing to bargain collectively with the Union by, unilaterally and contrary to the past practice and the terms of Article XIV of the expired collective- bargaining agreements, failing to pay overtime at a double time rate to employees belonging to Unit A without first providing notice to the Union and affording it an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over that matter. g. Failing and refusing to bargain collectively with the Union by, unilaterally and contrary to its past practice, reducing the Christmas bonus paid to the employees in the Units without first providing notice to the Union and affording it an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over that matter. h. Failing and refusing to bargain collectively with the Union by, unilaterally and contrary to its past practice and the terms of articles XVII, XXV and XVII for the employees in Units A, B, and C, respectively, of the expired collective-bargaining agreements, denying employees in the Units who worked certain holidays in December 2011 and January 2012 the option of choosing whether to be paid extra holiday pay for working those dates or to be allowed to take another day off with pay, without first providing notice to the Union and affording it an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over that matter. i. Failing and refusing to bargain collectively with the Union by, unilaterally and contrary to the past practice, requiring employees who had fixed work schedules to work an additional one-half an hour daily without pay, without first providing notice to the Union and affording it an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over that matter. j. In any like or related manner, interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action necessary to effectuate the policies of the Act. 5 a. Notify and, on request, bargain collectively with Unidad Laboral de Enfermeros/as y Empleados de la Salud over any proposed changes in wages, hours, and working conditions before putting such changes into effect. b. Provide the Union with a list of all employees who have been transferred to and/or are working at the Cardiovascular Tower as a result of any change, such as departmental closings or any other reasons, which information was requested in writing on August 30, 2011. c. Furnish the Union with the job descriptions in effect for all registered nurses prior to their reclassification from non-exempt to exempt status in 2011, which information was requested on September 8, 2011. d. Furnish the Union with the following information, which was requested in writing on September 8, 2011: (i) the memorandum drafted in June 2011 reflecting that Judith Rivera had been counseled; (ii) minute of the meeting where Judith Rivera was counseled; (iii) the attendance list of the meeting. e. Furnish the Union with the following information which was requested in writing on September 14, 2011: (i) work schedules from January 2011 to the present; (ii) payroll records from April 2011 to the present. f. Make available for review and inspection at the Respondent’s facility its payroll records, monthly work schedules, and time cards for the Registered Nurses for the period from January 1, 2011 to the present, which was requested in writing on September 23, 2011. g. Furnish information in a timely manner, including requested information concerning performance appraisals of employees in the units. h. Furnish the Union with the following information which was requested in writing on December 21, 2011: (i) list of employees that were sent on vacation; (ii) number of days of vacation; (iii) the vacation balance before and after employees were sent on vacation. 6 i. Furnish the Union with the following information relating to reasons for not providing the 2010 audited financial statements which was requested in writing on January 23, 2012: (i) bank involved in the matter, (ii) nature of information needed from the banks and name of the auditors involved, when the information was requested, what it consisted of, and the current status of the alleged procedure in the banking industry. j. Rescind the employee handbook issued and promulgated in or about July 2011 containing new terms of employment and, upon request, bargain with the Union over its contents and implementation until agreement and/or a good faith impasse is reached. k. Upon request, rescind the transfers of the following employees: Mirta Batiz Sandra Cruz Rosa Gonzalez Hilda Rodriguez l. Upon request, rescind the change of work schedules of the following employees: Mirta Batiz Sandra Cruz m. Restore the practice of paying overtime at a double time rate to employees in Unit A in accordance with the terms of Article XIV of the expired collective-bargaining agreement and make whole employees in Unit A for any deficiency in the payment of overtime in accordance with the Schedule included herein as Appendix I. n. Make whole the following employees in Unit A for loss of pay suffered by reason of the change in the payment of overtime as set forth in the schedule that follows: Name Gross Interest Total 1 Medina Ramos, Lydia $23.08 $1.00 $24.08 2 Ortiz Rosado, Carmen $18.03 $ 0 $18.03 3 Figueroa Castillo, Miguel $49.05 $1.00 $50.05 4 Rodriguez Casiano, Maria $46.16 $1.00 $47.16 5 Rollon Melendez, Elba $57.70 $1.00 $58.70 6 Gaston Gonzalez, Elizabeth $ 3.61 $ 0 $ 3.61 7 Arce Almodovar, Osvaldo $ 9.61 $ 0 $ 9.61 8 Alvalle Burgos, Agnes $46.16 $1.00 $47.16 7 9 Rodriguez Lopez, Virginia $57.70 $1.00 $58.70 10 Perez Torres, Luz $10.32 $ 0 $10.32 11 Mercado Santiago, Zulma $28.85 $1.00 $29.85 12 Colon Matos, Maria $ 9.02 $ 0 $ 9.02 13 Rodriguez Nufiez, Harzor $21.64 $ 0 $21.64 14 Feliciano Flores, Jeanette $23.44 $ 0 $23.44 15 Pacheco Martinez, Anail $50.48 $1.00 $51.48 16 Ocasio Mercado, Jessi $92.32 $2.00 $94.32 17 Rosado Muniz, Mary $57.70 $1.00 $58.70 18 Santiago Santiago, Wailanis $46.16 $1.00 $47.16 19 Caraballo Caraballo, Amneris $46.16 $1.00 $47.16 20 Rodriguez Lopez, Virginia $57.70 $1.00 $58.70 21 Serrano Nufiez, Nelida $ 9.74 $ 0 $ 9.74 o. Make whole the employees in the Units for any deficiency in the payment of the Christmas Bonus corresponding to the year 2011, as set forth in the schedule that follows: Unit A – Graduate Nurses 1 Acevedo Mercado, Sheila M. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 2 Alvalle Burgos, Agnes I. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 3 Alvarez Guadalupe, Everlydis $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 4 Aponte Rodriguez, Ivonne $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 5 Aponte Torres, Silveth M. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 6 Arce Almodovar, Osvaldo $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 7 Arroyo Cruz, Wanda I. $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 8 Bauza Santiago, Madeline $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 9 Capacetti Martinez, Ivonne I. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 10 Caraballo Garcia, Omayra $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 11 Caraballo Ramos, Norman $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 12 Caraballo Caraballo, Amneris $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 13 Caraballo Jordan, Ruth E. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 14 Caraballo Pacheco, Johanna $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 15 Carmona Colon, Ana A. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 16 Cedeno Emmaneulli, Maritza $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 17 Colon Matos, Maria M. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 18 Colon Ortiz, Jahaira $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 19 Correa Ramos, Igdali $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 20 Cruz Garcia, Yaritza E. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 21 Cruz Rodriguez, Cynthia I. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 22 Cruz Torres, Maria V. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 23 Darder Bonilla, Luz $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 24 De Jesus Bonilla, Janette $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 25 Del Valle Cartagena, Jessica $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 8 26 Echevarria Nieves, Daisy $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 27 Echevarria Rodriguez, Reinaldo $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 28 Febles Medina, Annette $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 29 Feliciano Flores, Jeanette $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 30 Feliciano Pagan, Vanessa $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 31 Figueroa Castillo, Miguel A. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 32 Figueroa Galindo, Yahaira $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 33 Figueroa Medina, Cecilia $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 34 Figueroa Miranda, Milagros $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 35 Flores Alicea, Iris $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 36 Fuentes Bonilla, Irelis $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 37 Galarza Maldonado, Amy G. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 38 Garcia Albino, Yanira $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 39 Garcia Rentas, Betsy $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 40 Gaston Gonzalez, Lizbeth $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 41 Gonzalez Gonzalez, Ricardo P. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 42 Gonzalez Velez, Ivonne $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 43 Guzman Rodriguez, Andres $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 44 Hartu Febles, Hector I. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 45 Hernandez Pacheco, Maria M. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 46 Irizarry Monsegur, Magaly $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 47 Irizarry Rivera, Caroline $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 48 Jacome Couret, Yannia $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 49 Julia Pereda, Taina $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 50 Jusino Lopez, Maria C. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 51 Laboy Ramos, Aricelis $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 52 Leon Guzman, Walde $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 53 Lespier Gonzalez, Diana M. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 54 Lillo Gonzalez, Anaida $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 55 Lopez Arroyo, Juan M. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 56 Lopez Sanchez, Dennis E. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 57 Maldonado Zapata, Sally A. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 58 Maldonado Montes, Cindy $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 59 Maldonado Velez, Lenda I. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 60 Martinez Pons, Maria A. $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 61 Matias Burgos, Loyda $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 62 Medina Ramos, Lydia $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 63 Mercado Santiago, Zulma $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 64 Mescual Cruz, Juan R. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 65 Mojica Mercado, Luisa $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 66 Montalvo Orengo, Enid $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 67 Muniz Perez, Rosa I. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 68 Muniz Perez, Mariel $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 69 Navarro Echevarria, Wendy $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 70 Ngtang, Melinda D. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 9 71 Nieves Feliciano, Wilberto $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 72 Ocasio Mercado, Jessie $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 73 Ocasio Santiago, Anatilde $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 74 Orsini Amparo, Gladys $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 75 Ortiz Chamorro, Johanna D. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 76 Ortiz Rosado, Carmen D. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 77 Ortiz Rosario, Francisco M. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 78 Pacheco Martinez, Anail $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 79 Padilla Perez, Maria del C. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 80 Perez Garcia, Jeannette $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 81 Perez Gonzalez, Leonides $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 82 Perez Oliveras, Myriam $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 83 Perez Pacheco, Linday A. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 84 Perez Torres, Luz N. $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 85 Pietri Pozzi, Frances M. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 86 Quinones Caraballo, Madalena $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 87 Reyes Torres, Awilda J. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 88 Rivera Leon, Maria del Mar $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 89 Rivera Maldonado, Sandra I. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 90 Rivera Ortiz, Julia Li $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 91 Rivera Rentas, Marilyn $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 92 Rivera Sanchez, Ivelisse $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 93 Rivera Vega, Liliana $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 94 Rodriguez, Eybie J. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 95 Rodriguez Baez, Gabriel $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 96 Rodriguez Cortes, Omayra I. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 97 Rodriguez Lopez, Virginia $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 98 Rodriguez Nunez, Harsor F. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 99 Rodriguez Alvarado, Bettylizm $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 100 Rodriguez Casiano, Maria de I. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 101 Rodriguez Galarza, Alejandrina $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 102 Rodriguez Marin, Vidalina $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 103 Rodriguez Reyes, Windred G. $200.00 $5. 00 $205.00 104 Rodriguez Torres, Sharon M. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 105 Rodriguez Torres, Juan P. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 106 Rollon Melendez, Elba I. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 107 Rosado Muniz, Mary E. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 108 Ruiz Ortiz, Felicita $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 109 Santiago Rivera, Neisha M. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 110 Santiago Andujar, Juan E. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 111 Santiago Hernandez, Jannette M. $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 112 Santiago Santiago, Wailanis J. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 113 Segarra Rodriguez, Maria T. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 114 Sobamuniz, Isabel $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 10 115 Suarez Valentine, Barbara S. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 116 Torres Andujar, Mildred $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 117 Torres Correa, Neriloy S. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 118 Torres Sanchez, Norma I. $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 119 Vargas Aguirre, Maria de los A. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 120 Vega Santiago, Norma I. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 121 Velez Negron, Yaritza $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 122 Yambo Amill, Jennifer M. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 Unit B – Practical Nurses Gross Interest Total 1 Acevedo Olavarria, Mildred $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 2 Arroyo Pabey, Judith $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 3 Baez Aviles, Sandra $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 4 Batiz Hernandez, Mirta I. $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 5 Bernard Aguirre, Marilyn $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 6 Borgos Negron, Migdalia $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 7 Caquias Ramirez, Barbara $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 8 Castro Gonzalez, Mayra I. $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 9 Colon Sosa, Enohelia $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 10 De Jesus Velez, Jose A. $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 11 Echevarria Martinez, Migdalia $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 12 Figueroa Ortiz, Milagros $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 13 Flores Vargas, Francisco M. $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 14 Garcia Colon, Marta H. $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 15 Gonzalez Santiago, Arlyn $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 16 Irizarry Irizarry, Sandra I. $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 17 Lopez Martinez, Felipe $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 18 Morales Rivera, Jessica $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 19 Olivares Oliveras, Elba $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 20 Pacheco Garcia, Gladys $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 21 Pena Feliciano, Nibsam I. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 22 Perez Arroyo, Barbara J. $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 23 Perez Cardona, Viviana $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 24 Quinones Madera, Mercedes A. $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 25 Ramos Mercado, Raymond $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 26 Ramos Rios, Hilda M. $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 27 Rios Gonzalez, Alba N. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 28 Rivera Ortiz, Iris N. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 29 Rivera Rivera, Marta I. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 30 Rivera Santiago, Silvia $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 31 Rodriguez Lopez, Hilda $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 32 Roman Nufiez, Yamilka $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 33 Sanchez Perez, Carmen D. $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 11 34 Santos Rodriguez, Evelyn $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 35 Santos Tardy, Ivonne $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 36 Serrano Nunez, Nelida $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 37 Soto Moreno, Margarita $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 38 Torres Davila, Yexika $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 39 Torres Ferrer, Irzzie M. $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 40 Torres Gaston, Nitza V. $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 41 Torres Morales, Maria E. $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 42 Torres Rodriguez, Milagros $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 43 Torres Rosa, Raymond $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 44 Vazquez Rivera, Catalina $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 45 Vega Roman, Emiliene $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 46 Velazquez Mendez, Johanna E. $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 Unit C - Clerical Gross Interest Total 1 Borrero Garcia, Maria M. $150.00 $3.00 $153.00 2 Ferrer Colon, Jose P. $100.00 $2.00 $102.00 3 Gonzalez Vazquez, Sonia N. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 4 Martinez Martinez, Velda E. $100.00 $2.00 $102.00 5 Monroig Morales, Iris N. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 6 Pacheco Rivera, Isabel $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 7 Rivera Soto, Judith $150.00 $3.00 $153.00 8 Rodriguez Robles, Itcian $125.00 $2.00 $127.00 9 Sanchez Gaston, Elisa Y. $125.00 $2.00 $127.00 10 Saldana Torres, Omayra $150.00 $3.00 $153.00 11 Santiago Martinez, Glenda L. $125.00 $2.00 $127.00 12 Santiago Zayas, Elsie A. $150.00 $3.00 $153.00 13 Soto Rodriguez, Aileen $125.00 $2.00 $127.00 14 Vargas Gonzalez, Israel $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 p. Restore the past practice of allowing employees in the Units who worked certain holidays the option of choosing whether to be paid extra holiday pay for working those dates or to be allowed to take another day off with pay. q. Make whole the following employees for any deficiency in the application of the policy concerning payment of holidays by restoring as annual leave to said employees the number of days as set forth in the schedule that follows: Employee Name # of Days 1 Febles Medina, Annette 1 2 Medina Ramos, Lydia 1 3 Correa Ramos, Igdali 1 4 Echevarria Rodriguez, Reinaldo 2 12 5 Fuentes Bonilla, Irelis 1 6 Perez Gonzalez, Leonides 1 7 Bernard Garcia, Alba J. 2 8 Rivera Rentas, Marilyn 2 9 Guzman Rodriguez, Andres 1 10 Figueroa Medina, Cecilia 2 11 Montalvo Orengo, Enid 2 12 Aponte Rodriguez, Ivonne 1 13 Rodriguez Casiano, Maria 1 14 Hartu Febles, Hector L. 2 15 Rollon Melendez, Elba I. 1 16 Rodriguez Cortes, Omayra I. 1 17 Cedefio Emmanuelli, Maritza 1 18 Quinones Caraballo, Magdalena 1 19 Ortiz Rosario, Francisco M. 2 20 Mercado Santiago, Zulma 2 21 Colon Matos, Maria M. 1 22 Alvarez Guadalupe, Everlydis 1 23 Gonzalez Velez, Ivonne 2 24 Maldonado Velez, Glenda I. 2 25 Leon Guzman, Walde 2 26 Caraballo Caraballo, Amneris 1 27 Segarra Rodriguez, Maria T. 2 28 Rodriguez Marin, Vidalina 2 29 Matias Burgos, Loyda 1 30 Rodriguez Torres, Juan P. 2 31 Gonzalez Gonzalez, Ricardo P. 1 32 Santiago Rivera, Neisha M. 1 33 Mescual Cruz, Juan R. 2 34 Caraballo Pacheco, Johanna 1 35 Figueroa Miranda, Milagros 2 36 Del Valle Cartagena, Jessica 1 37 Santiago Hernandez, Jannette M. 1 38 Jusino Lopez, Maria C. 1 39 Rodriguez Baez, Gabriel 1 40 Vargas Aguirre, Maria de los A. 1 41 Carmona Colon, Ana A. 1 42 Torres Correa, Neriloy S. 1 43 Gaston Gonzalez, Lizbeth 1 44 Caraballo Garcia, Omayra 3 45 Soba Muniz, Isabel 1 46 Vega Santiago, Norma I. 1 47 Hernandez Pacheco, Maria M. 1 48 Avalle Burgos, Agnes I. 1 49 Perez Garcia, Jeannette 2 13 50 Padilla Perez, Maria del C. 1 51 Muniz Perez, Rosa I. 1 52 Muniz Perez, Mariel 1 53 Rodriguez Lopez, Virginia 1 54 Aponte Torres, Silveth M. 2 55 Rivera Sanchez, Ivelisse 1 56 Santiago Andujar, Juan E. 2 r. Rescind the change in work schedule implemented in or about January 2012, pursuant to which the employees in fixed schedules were required to work an additional one-half hour daily without pay. s. Make whole the following employees for any loss by reason of the change in their work schedule as set forth in the schedule that follows: Name Gross Interest Total 1 Borgos, Migdalia $342.63 $0.96 $343.59 2 Monroig, Iris $263.25 $0.73 $263.98 3 Vargas, Israel $231.12 $0.65 $231.77 t. The payments referred to in paragraphs (n), (o), and (s) should be made on or before November 15, 2012. If any amount is not paid on or before the due date, the full unpaid amount shall become immediately due and payable and the Board may, without further notice, institute proceedings against the Respondent for the collection of the full entire unpaid balance from the date of default until full payment is received, computed in accordance with the formula set forth in New Horizons for the Retarded, Inc., 283 NLRB 1173 (1987). u. Within 14 days of service by the Region, post at its facilities copies of the attached notice marked “Appendix A.†Copies of the notice, on forms provided by Region 24, after being signed by the Respondent’s authorized representative, shall be posted by the Respondent in the English and Spanish languages and maintained for 60 consecutive days in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. The Respondent will take reasonable steps to ensure that the notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. In the event that, during the pendency of these proceedings, the Respondent has gone out of business or closed the facility involved in these proceedings, the Respondent shall duplicate and mail, at its own expense, a copy of the notice to all current employees and former employees employed by the Respondent at any time since July 2011. v. Within 21 days after service by the Region, file with the Regional Director a sworn certification of a responsible official on a form provided by the Region attesting to the steps that the Respondent has taken to comply. Dated, Washington, D.C., December 3, 2012. 14 ___________________________________ Mark Gaston Pearce, Chairman ___________________________________ Richard F. Griffin, Jr., Member ___________________________________ Sharon Block Member (SEAL) NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 15 APPENDIX NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government PURSUANT TO A STIPULATION PROVIDING FOR A BOARD ORDER AND A CONSENT JUDGMENT OF ANY APPROPRIATE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FEDERAL LAW GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO: Form, join, or assist a union; Choose representatives to bargain with us on your behalf; Act together with other employees for your benefit and protection; Choose not to engage in any of these protected activities. WE WILL NOT fail and/or refuse to bargain in good faith with Unidad Laboral de Enfermeros/as y Empleados De La Salud, as the exclusive collective- bargaining representative of the following units: Unit A Included: All registered nurses employed by Respondent for its cardiovascular operations at the Cardiovascular Department in its Hospital located in Ponce, Puerto Rico, performing duties of registered nurses, including the head nurses. Excluded: All other employees, executives, administrators, supervisors, nurses in services training, and any other person who is authorized, on behalf of Respondent, to hire, dismiss promote, discipline and/or in any other way to vary the status of the employees, and/or to effectively recommend any such action including the Nurse Services Director and its assistant. Unit B Included: All practical nurses employed by Respondent for its cardiovascular operations at the Cardiovascular Department in its Hospital located in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Excluded: All other employees, including executives, administrators, professionals, technicians, clerks, maintenance employees, laundry 16 employees, cooks, nurses in training process, graduate nurses, drivers, warehouse employees, pharmacy assistants, cafeteria employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. Unit C Included: All office clerical employees and surgery room technicians employed by Respondent at its Cardiovascular Department located in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Excluded: Administrative and executive employees, the secretaries for the administrator, the secretary for the medical director, the secretary to the personnel director, the secretary for the Comptroller, the secretary for the nursing director, professional personnel, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, occasional and part-time X-ray technicians, X-ray technicians not within the Cardiovascular Department, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act; and any other person who is authorized on behalf of Respondent to hire, promote, dismiss, discipline and in any other way to vary the status of the employees, and to effectively recommend any such action, advisors and directors, and employees included in other collective bargaining units at the Employer’s Hospital. WE WILL NOT fail and/or refuse to provide requested information and/or refuse to provide requested information in a timely manner. WE WILL NOT unilaterally issue and/or promulgate an employee handbook for the Units containing new terms of employment without first providing notice to the Union and affording it an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over the changes to the handbook. WE WILL NOT unilaterally and contrary to past practice transfer employees from the one department to other departments, without first providing notice to the Union and affording it an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over that matter. WE WILL NOT unilaterally and contrary to past practice change the work schedules of our unit employees without first providing notice to the Union and affording it an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over that matter. WE WILL NOT unilaterally and contrary to the past practice and the terms of Article XIV of the expired collective-bargaining agreements fail to pay the overtime at a double time rate to employees belonging to Unit A, without first providing notice to the Union and affording it an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over that matter. WE WILL NOT unilaterally and contrary to the past practice reduce the Christmas bonus paid to the employees in the Units without first providing notice to the Union and affording it an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over that matter. 17 WE WILL NOT unilaterally and contrary to the past practice and the terms of articles XVIII, XXV and XVII for the Units A, B, and C, respectively, of the expired collective- bargaining agreements, deny employees in the Units who worked certain holidays the option of choosing whether to be paid extra holiday pay for working those dates or to be allowed to take another day off with pay without first providing notice to the Union and affording it an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over that matter. WE WILL NOT unilaterally and contrary to the past practice, require employees who had fixed work schedules to work an additional one-half an hour daily without pay, without first providing notice to the Union and affording it an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over that matter. WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner, interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed them by Section 7 of the Act. WE WILL notify and, upon request, bargain collectively with Unidad Laboral De Enfermeros/as y Empleados De La Salud until agreement and/or good faith impasse over any proposed changes in wages, hours and working conditions of employment of our unit employees before putting such changes into effect. WE WILL provide the Union with a list of all employees who have been transferred to and/or are working at the Cardiovascular Tower as a result of any change, such as departmental closings or any other reasons, which was requested in writing on August 30, 2011. WE WILL furnish the Union with the job descriptions in effect for all registered nurses prior to the reclassification from non-exempt to exempt status in 2011, which was requested on September 8, 2011. WE WILL furnish the Union with the following information, which was requested in writing on September 8, 2011: (i) the memorandum drafted in June 2011 reflecting that Judith Rivera had been counseled; (ii) minute of the meeting where Judith Rivera was counseled; (iii) the attendance list of the meeting. WE WILL furnish the Union with the following information which was requested in writing on September 14, 2011: (i) work schedules from January 2011 to the present; (ii) payroll records from April 2011 to the present. 18 WE WILL make available for review and inspection our facility our payroll records, monthly work schedules, and time cards for the Registered Nurses for the period from January 1, 2011 to the present, which was requested in writing on September 23, 2011. WE WILL furnish in a timely manner requested information concerning performance appraisal of employees in the Units. WE WILL furnish the Union with the following information which was requested in writing on December 21, 2011: (i) list of employees who were sent on vacation; (ii) number of days of vacation; (iii) the vacation balance before and after employees were sent on vacation. WE WILL furnish the Union with the following information relating to reasons for not providing the 2010 audited financial statements which was requested in writing on January 23, 2012: (i) bank involved in the matter; (ii) nature of information needed from the banks and name of the auditors involved, when the information was requested, what it consisted of, and the current status of the alleged procedure in the banking industry. WE WILL rescind the employee handbook issued and promulgated in or about July 2011 containing new terms of employment and upon request bargain with the Union over its contents and implementation until agreement and/or good faith impasse. WE WILL, upon request, rescind the transfers of the following employees: Mirta Batiz Sandra Cruz Rosa Gonzalez Hilda Rodriguez WE WILL, upon request, rescind the change of work schedules of the following employees: Mirta Batiz Sandra Cruz WE WILL restore the practice of paying over-time at a double time rate to employees in Unit A in accordance with the terms of Article XIV of the expired collective-bargaining agreement and make whole employees in Unit A for any deficiency in the payment of over-time in accordance with the Schedule included herein as Appendix I. 19 WE WILL make whole the employees in the Units for any deficiency in the payment of the Christmas Bonus corresponding to the year 2011, as described in Appendix II. WE WILL restore the past practice of allowing employees in the Units who worked certain holidays the option of choosing whether to be paid extra holiday pay for working those dates or to be allowed to take another day off with pay without first providing notice to the Union and affording an opportunity to engage in meaningful bargaining over that matter and WE WILL make whole employees in the Units who worked during certain holidays in December 2011 and January 2012 for any deficiency in the payment of over-time in accordance with the Schedule included herein as Appendix III. WE WILL rescind the change in work schedule implemented in about January 2012 pursuant to which employees in fixed schedules were required to work an additional one-half an hour daily without pay and WE WILL make whole employees for any deficiency in the payment of their salaries in accordance with the Schedule included herein as Appendix IV. SAINT LUKE’S MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, INC. d/b/a HOSPITAL EPISCOPAL SAN LUCAS PONCE ________________________________ (Employer) 20 Appendix I Saint Luke’s Memorial Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Episcopal San Lucas Ponce Cases 24-CA-071324 and 24-CA-076352  Backpay – Difference of ½ for Overtime Graduate Nurses – Unit A Name Gross Interest Total 1 Medina Ramos, Lydia $ 23.08 $ 1.00 $ 24.08 2 Ortiz Rosado, Carmen $ 18.03 $ 0 $ 18.03 3 Figueroa Castillo, Miguel $ 49.05 $ 1.00 $ 50.05 4 Rodriguez Casiano, Maria $ 46.16 $ 1.00 $ 47.16 5 Rollon Melendez, Elba $ 57.70 $ 1.00 $ 58.70 6 Gaston Gonzalez, Elizabeth $ 3.61 $ 0 $ 3.61 7 Arce Almodovar, Osvaldo $ 9.61 $ 0 $ 9.61 8 Alvalle Burgos, Agnes $ 46.16 $ 1.00 $ 47.16 9 Rodriguez Lopez, Virginia $ 57.70 $ 1.00 $ 58.70 10 Perez Torres, Luz $ 10.32 $ 0 $ 10.32 11 Mercado Santiago, Zulma $ 28.85 $ 1.00 $ 29.85 12 Colon Matos, Maria $ 9.02 $ 0 $ 9.02 13 Rodriguez Nunez, Harzor $ 21.64 $ 0 $ 21.64 14 Feliciano Flores, Jeanette $ 23.44 $ 0 $ 23.44 15 Pacheco Martinez, Anail $ 50.48 $ 1.00 $ 51.48 16 Ocasio Mercado, Jessi $ 92.32 $ 2.00 $ 94.32 17 Rosado Muniz, Mary $ 57.70 $ 1.00 $ 58.70 18 Santiago Santiago, Wailanis $ 46.16 $ 1.00 $ 47.16 19 Caraballo Caraballo, Amneris $ 46.16 $ 1.00 $ 47.16 20 Rodriguez Lopez Virginia $ 57.70 $ 1.00 $ 58.70 21 Serrano Nunez, Nelida $ 9.74 $ 0 $ 9.74 TOTAL $764.03 $14.00 $778.03  In the event that one check is issued including the principal and the interest, do not make any deduction from the interest portion of the total amount. 21 Appendix II  Backpay – Christmas Bonus Saint Luke’s Memorial Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Episcopal San Lucas Ponce Cases 24-CA-071324 and 24-CA-076352 Unit A – Graduate Nurses 1 Acevedo Mercado, Sheila M. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 2 Alvalle Burgos, Agnes I. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 3 Alvarez Guadalupe, Everlydis $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 4 Aponte Rodriguez, Ivonne $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 5 Aponte Torres, Silveth M. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 6 Arce Almodovar, Osvaldo $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 7 Arroyo Cruz, Wanda I. $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 8 Bauza Santiago, Madeline $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 9 Capacetti Martinez, Ivonne I. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 10 Caraballo Garcia, Omayra $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 11 Caraballo Ramos, Norman $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 12 Caraballo Caraballo, Amneris $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 13 Caraballo Jordan, Ruth E. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 14 Caraballo Pacheco, Johanna $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 15 Carmona Colon, Ana A. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 16 Cedeno Emmaneulli, Maritza $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 17 Colon Matos, Maria M. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 18 Colon Ortiz, Jahaira $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 19 Correa Ramos, Igdali $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 20 Cruz Garcia, Yaritza E. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 21 Cruz Rodriguez, Cynthia I. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 22 Cruz Torres, Maria V. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 23 Darder Bonilla, Luz $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 24 De Jesus Bonilla, Janette $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 25 Del Valle Cartagena, Jessica $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 26 Echevarria Nieves, Daisy $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 27 Echevarria Rodriguez, Reinaldo $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 28 Febles Medina, Annette $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 29 Feliciano Flores, Jeanette $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 30 Feliciano Pagan, Vanessa $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 31 Figueroa Castillo, Miguel A. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 22  In the event that one check is issued including the principal and the interest, do not make any deduction from the interest portion of the total amount. Appendix II  Backpay – Christmas Bonus Saint Luke’s Memorial Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Episcopal San Lucas Ponce Cases 24-CA-071324 and 24-CA-076352 32 Figueroa Galindo, Yahaira $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 33 Figueroa Medina, Cecilia $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 34 Figueroa Miranda, Milagros $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 35 Flores Alicea, Iris $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 36 Fuentes Bonilla, Irelis $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 37 Galarza Maldonado, Amy G. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 38 Garcia Albino, Yanira $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 39 Garcia Rentas, Betsy $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 40 Gaston Gonzalez, Lizbeth $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 41 Gonzalez Gonzalez, Ricardo P. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 42 Gonzalez Velez, Ivonne $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 43 Guzman Rodriguez, Andres $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 44 Hartu Febles, Hector I. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 45 Hernandez Pacheco, Maria M. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 46 Irizarry Monsegur, Magaly $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 47 Irizarry Rivera, Caroline $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 48 Jacome Couret, Yannia $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 49 Julia Pereda, Taina $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 50 Jusino Lopez, Maria C. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 51 Laboy Ramos, Aricelis $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 52 Leon Guzman, Walde $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 53 Lespier Gonzalez, Diana M. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 54 Lillo Gonzalez, Anaida $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 55 Lopez Arroyo, Juan M. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 56 Lopez Sanchez, Dennis E. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 57 Maldonado Zapata, Sally A. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 58 Maldonado Montes, Cindy $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 59 Maldonado Velez, Lenda I. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 60 Martinez Pons, Maria A. $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 61 Matias Burgos, Loyda $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 62 Medina Ramos, Lydia $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 63 Mercado Santiago, Zulma $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 23  In the event that one check is issued including the principal and the interest, do not make any deduction from the interest portion of the total amount. 24 Appendix II  Backpay – Christmas Bonus Saint Luke’s Memorial Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Episcopal San Lucas Ponce Cases 24-CA-071324 and 24-CA-076352 64 Mescual Cruz, Juan R. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 65 Mojica Mercado, Luisa $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 66 Montalvo Orengo, Enid $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 67 Muniz Perez, Rosa I. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 68 Muniz Perez, Mariel $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 69 Navarro Echevarria, Wendy $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 70 Ngtang, Melinda D. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 71 Nieves Feliciano, Wilberto $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 72 Ocasio Mercado, Jessie $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 73 Ocasio Santiago, Anatilde $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 74 Orsini Amparo, Gladys $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 75 Ortiz Chamorro, Johanna D. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 76 Ortiz Rosado, Carmen D. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 77 Ortiz Rosario, Francisco M. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 78 Pacheco Martinez, Anail $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 79 Padilla Perez, Maria del C. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 80 Perez Garcia, Jeannette $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 81 Perez Gonzalez, Leonides $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 82 Perez Oliveras, Myriam $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 83 Perez Pacheco, Linday A. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 84 Perez Torres, Luz N. $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 85 Pietri Pozzi, Frances M. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 86 Quinones Caraballo, Madalena $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 87 Reyes Torres, Awilda J. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 88 Rivera Leon, Maria del Mar $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 89 Rivera Maldonado, Sandra I. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 90 Rivera Ortiz, Julia I. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 91 Rivera Rentas, Marilyn $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 92 Rivera Sanchez, Ivelisse $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 93 Rivera Vega, Liliana $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 94 Rodriguez, Eybie J. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00  In the event that one check is issued including the principal and the interest, do not make any deduction from the interest portion of the total amount. 25 26 Appendix II  Backpay – Christmas Bonus Saint Luke’s Memorial Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Episcopal San Lucas Ponce Cases 24-CA-071324 and 24-CA-076352 95 Rodriguez Baez, Gabriel $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 96 Rodriguez Cortes, Omayra I. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 97 Rodriguez Lopez, Virginia $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 98 Rodriguez Nunez, Harsor F. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 99 Rodriguez Alvarado, Bettylizm $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 100 Rodriguez Casiano, Maria de I. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 101 Rodriguez Galarza, Alejandrina $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 102 Rodriguez Marin, Vidalina $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 103 Rodriguez Reyes, Windred G. $200.00 $5. 00 $205.00 104 Rodriguez Torres, Sharon M. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 105 Rodriguez Torres, Juan P. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 106 Rollon Melendez, Elba I. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 107 Rosado Muniz, Mary E. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 108 Ruiz Ortiz, Felicita $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 109 Santiago Rivera, Neisha M. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 110 Santiago Andujar, Juan E. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 111 Santiago Hernandez, Jannette M. $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 112 Santiago Santiago, Wailanis J. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 113 Segarra Rodriguez, Maria T. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 114 Sobamuniz, Isabel $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 115 Suarez Valentine, Barbara S. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 116 Torres Andujar, Mildred $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 117 Torres Correa, Neriloy S. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 118 Torres Sanchez, Norma I. $360.00 $8.00 $368.00 119 Vargas Aguirre, Maria de los A. $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 120 Vega Santiago, Norma I. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 121 Velez Negron, Yaritza $300.00 $7.00 $307.00 122 Yambo Amill, Jennifer M. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00  In the event that one check is issued including the principal and the interest, do not make any deduction from the interest portion of the total amount. 27 Appendix II  Backpay – Christmas Bonus Saint Luke’s Memorial Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Episcopal San Lucas Ponce Cases 24-CA-071324 and 24-CA-076352 Unit B – Practical Nurses Gross Interest Total 1 Acevedo Olavarria, Mildred $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 2 Arroyo Pabey, Judith $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 3 Baez Aviles, Sandra $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 4 Batiz Hernandez, Mirta I. $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 5 Bernard Aguirre, Marilyn $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 6 Borgos Negron, Migdalia $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 7 Caquias Ramirez, Barbara $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 8 Castro Gonzalez, Mayra I. $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 9 Colon Sosa, Enohelia $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 10 De Jesus Velez, Jose A. $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 11 Echevarria Martinez, Migdalia $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 12 Figueroa Ortiz, Milagros $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 13 Flores Vargas, Francisco M. $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 14 Garcia Colon, Marta H. $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 15 Gonzalez Santiago, Arlyn $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 16 Irizarry Irizarry, Sandra I. $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 17 Lopez Martinez, Felipe $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 18 Morales Rivera, Jessica $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 19 Olivares Oliveras, Elba $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 20 Pacheco Garcia, Gladys $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 21 Pena Feliciano, Nibsam I. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 22 Perez Arroyo, Barbara J. $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 23 Perez Cardona, Viviana $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 24 Quinones Madera, Mercedes A. $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 25 Ramos Mercado, Raymond $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 26 Ramos Rios, Hilda M. $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 27 Rios Gonzalez, Alba N. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 28 Rivera Ortiz, Iris N. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 29 Rivera Rivera, Marta I. $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 30 Rivera Santiago, Silvia $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 28  In the event that one check is issued including the principal and the interest, do not make any deduction from the interest portion of the total amount. 29 Appendix II  Backpay – Christmas Bonus Saint Luke’s Memorial Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Episcopal San Lucas Ponce Cases 24-CA-071324 and 24-CA-076352 31 Rodriguez Lopez, Hilda $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 32 Roman Nufiez, Yamilka $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 33 Sanchez Perez, Carmen D. $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 34 Santos Rodriguez, Evelyn $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 35 Santos Tardy, Ivonne $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 36 Serrano Nunez, Nelida $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 37 Soto Moreno, Margarita $250.00 $6.00 $256.00 38 Torres Davila, Yexika $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 39 Torres Ferrer, Irzzie M. $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 40 Torres Gaston, Nitza V. $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 41 Torres Morales, Maria E. $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 42 Torres Rodriguez, Milagros $130.00 $3.00 $133.00 43 Torres Rosa, Raymond $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 44 Vazquez Rivera, Catalina $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 45 Vega Roman, Emiliene $160.00 $4.00 $164.00 46 Velazquez Mendez, Johanna E. $210.00 $5.00 $215.00 Unit C - Clerical Gross Interest Total 1 Borrero Garcia, Maria M. $150.00 $3.00 $153.00 2 Ferrer Colon, Jose P. $100.00 $2.00 $102.00 3 Gonzalez Vazquez, Sonia N. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 4 Martinez Martinez, Velda E. $100.00 $2.00 $102.00 5 Monroig Morales, Iris N. $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 6 Pacheco Rivera, Isabel $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 7 Rivera Soto, Judith $150.00 $3.00 $153.00 8 Rodriguez Robles, Itcian $125.00 $2.00 $127.00 9 Sanchez Gaston, Elisa Y. $125.00 $2.00 $127.00 10 Saldana Torres, Omayra $150.00 $3.00 $153.00 11 Santiago Martinez, Glenda L. $125.00 $2.00 $127.00 12 Santiago Zayas, Elsie A. $150.00 $3.00 $153.00 13 Soto Rodriguez, Aileen $125.00 $2.00 $127.00 14 Vargas Gonzalez, Israel $200.00 $5.00 $205.00 30  In the event that one check is issued including the principal and the interest, do not make any deduction from the interest portion of the total amount. 31 Appendix II  Backpay – Christmas Bonus Saint Luke’s Memorial Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Episcopal San Lucas Ponce Cases 24-CA-071324 and 24-CA-076352 Gross Interest Total TOTAL GRADUATE NURSES $30,460.00 $734.00 $31,189.00 TOTAL PRACTICAL NURSES $ 8,610.00 $206.00 $ 8,816.00 TOTAL CLERICAL $ 2,100.00 $ 44.00 $ 2,144.00 TOTALS $41,170.00 $984.00 $42,154.00  In the event that one check is issued including the principal and the interest, do not make any deduction from the interest portion of the total amount. 32 Appendix III Saint Luke’s Memorial Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Episcopal San Lucas Ponce Cases 24-CA-071324 and 24-CA-076352 Employee Name # of Days Febles Medina, Annette 1 Medina Ramos, Lydia 1 Correa Ramos, Igdali 1 Echevarria Rodriguez, Reinaldo 2 Fuentes Bonilla, Irelis 1 Perez Gonzalez, Leonides 1 Bernard Garcia, Alba J. 2 Rivera Rentas, Marilyn 2 Guzman Rodriguez, Andres 1 Figueroa Medina, Cecilia 2 Montalvo Orengo, Enid 2 Aponte Rodriguez, Ivonne 1 Rodriguez Casiano, Maria 1 Hartu Febles, Hector L. 2 Rolon Melendez, Elba I. 1 Rodriguez Cortes, Omayra I. 1 Cedeno Emmanuelli, Maritza 1 Quinones Caraballo, Magdalena 1 Ortiz Rosario, Francisco M. 2 Mercado Santiago, Zulma 2 Colon Matos, Maria M. 1 Alvarez Guadalupe, Everlydis 1 Gonzalez Velez, Ivonne 2 Maldonado Velez, Glenda I. 2 Leon Guzman, Walde 2 Caraballo Caraballo, Amneris 1 Segarra Rodriguez, Maria T. 2 Rodriguez Marin, Vidalina 2 Matias Burgos, Loyda 1 Rodriguez Torres, Juan P. 2 Gonzalez Gonzalez, Ricardo P. 1 Santiago Rivera, Neisha M. 1 Mescual Cruz, Juan R. 2 Caraballo Pacheco, Johanna 1 33 Appendix III Saint Luke’s Memorial Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Episcopal San Lucas Ponce Cases 24-CA-071324 and 24-CA-076352 Figueroa Miranda, Milagros 2 Del Valle Cartagena, Jessica 1 Santiago Hernandez, Jannette M. 1 Jusino Lopez, Maria C. 1 Rodriguez Baez, Gabriel 1 Vargas Aguirre, Maria de los A. 1 Carmona Colon, Ana A. 1 Torres Correa, Neriloy S. 1 Gaston Gonzalez, Lizbeth 1 Caraballo Garcia, Omayra 3 Soba Muniz, Isabel 1 Vega Santiago, Norma I. 1 Hernandez Pacheco, Maria M. 1 Avalle Burgos, Agnes I. 1 Perez Garcia, Jeannette 2 Padilla Perez, Maria del C. 1 Muniz Perez, Rosa I. 1 Muniz Perez, Mariel 1 Rodriguez Lopez, Virginia 1 Aponte Torres, Silveth M. 2 Rivera Sanchez, Ivelisse 1 Santiago Andujar, Juan E. 2 34 APPENDIX IV Saint Luke’s Memorial Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Episcopal San Lucas Ponce Cases 24-CA-071324 and 24-CA-076352  Change of Schedule (7.5 to 8 hours) Name Gross Interest Total 1 Borgos, Migdalia $342.63 $0.96 $343.59 2 Monroig, Iris $263.25 $0.73 $263.98 3 Vargas, Israel $231.12 $0.65 $231.77 TOTAL $837.00 $2.34 $839.34 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation