Kenza L. Newman-Starling, Complainant,v.Patrick R. Donahoe, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Eastern Area), Agency.

Equal Employment Opportunity CommissionJan 13, 2012
0120113081 (E.E.O.C. Jan. 13, 2012)



Kenza L. Newman-Starling, Complainant, v. Patrick R. Donahoe, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Eastern Area), Agency.

Kenza L. Newman-Starling,



Patrick R. Donahoe,

Postmaster General,

United States Postal Service

(Eastern Area),


Appeal No. 0120113081

Agency No. 1C081001311


Complainant filed a timely appeal with this Commission from the

Agency's decision dated May 16, 2011, dismissing her complaint of

unlawful employment discrimination in violation of Title VII of the

Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e

et seq. Upon review, the Commission finds that Complainant's complaint

was properly dismissed pursuant to 29 C.F.R. § 1614.107(a) for failure

to state a claim and for untimely contacting an EEO counselor.


At the time of events giving rise to this complaint, Complainant worked as

a Modified Clerk at the Agency’s South Jersey P&DC facility in Bellmawr,

New Jersey.

On April 18, 2011, Complainant filed a formal complaint alleging

that the Agency subjected her to discrimination on the bases of race

(African-American), sex (female), and reprisal for prior protected EEO

activity under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when: (1)

on May 19, 2010, management submitted a statement to the Department

of Labor which controverted Complainant’s workers’ compensation

claim; (2) on July 23, 2010, she was issued a 14-day suspension for

failure to meet the attendance requirements of her position; and (3)

between September 7-November 5, 2010, she was harassed, yelled at,

and disrespected on the work room floor.

The Agency dismissed the entire complaint for failure to file a timely

formal complaint. The Agency also dismissed claims 1 and 2 for failing

to contact an EEO counselor in a timely manner. The Agency noted that

Complainant contacted an EEO counselor on November 26, 2010, which is

beyond the 45-day time limit for contacting a counselor. The Agency also

dismissed claim 3 for failure to state a claim.

The instant appeal followed.


The regulation set forth at 29 C.F.R. § 1614.107(a)(2) states, in

pertinent part, that an agency shall dismiss a complaint which fails

to comply with the applicable time limits contained in 29 C.F.R. §

1614.106(b) which, in turn, requires the filing of a formal complaint

within fifteen (15) days of receiving the notice of the right to do so.

The record contains evidence that establishes that the notice of right

to file was sent to Complainant’s address of record by Priority

Mail Signature Confirmation and was signed for on February 26, 2011.

While Complainant denies she received the notice on this date, objective

evidence shows otherwise. The notice properly informed Complainant of her

obligation to file a formal complaint within 15 days of her receipt of the

notice. Complainant filed her formal complaint in an envelope containing

a postmark of April 18, 2011, well beyond the 15-day limitation period.

Accordingly, the Agency’s dismissal for an untimely filed complaint

was correct.

Moreover, the record also supports the Agency’s alternative dismissal

of claims 1 and 2 for untimely EEO counselor contact. EEOC Regulation

29 C.F.R. § 1614.105(a)(1) requires that complaints of discrimination

should be brought to the attention of the Equal Employment Opportunity

Counselor within forty-five (45) days of the date of the matter alleged

to be discriminatory or, in the case of a personnel action, within

forty-five (45) days of the effective date of the action. Complainant

first contacted an EEO counselor on November 26, 2010, well beyond the

45-day limitation period. While Complainant argues her delay should

be excused because she waited to pursue EEO counseling until after OWCP

made its decision and after she processed a grievance on the suspension,

the Commission has consistently held that the utilization of agency

procedures, union grievances, and other remedial processes does not

toll the time limit for contacting an EEO Counselor. See Ellis v. United

States Postal Service, EEOC Appeal No. 01992093 (November 29, 2000).

Finally, with respect to Complainant’s harassment claim, the Commission

has held that where, as here, a complaint does not challenge an agency

action or inaction regarding a specific term, condition, or privilege of

employment, the claim of harassment may survive if it alleges conduct

that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of

the complainant’s employment. See Harris v. Forklift Systems, Inc.,

510 U.S. 17, 23 (1993). A fair reading of the complaint and related EEO

counseling materials shows that Complainant is alleging she was subjected

to “threatening” body language and gestures, and was treated with

disrespect when she approached managers in her capacity as a union

steward. She also asserts she was denied union time. The Commission

finds that Complainant’s allegations, individually or as a whole,

are insufficient to state a claim of a discriminatory hostile work

environment. Moreover, to the extent she is alleging a violation of the

union contract with regard to union time and recognition by management

of her status as a union steward, those matters are more appropriately

addressed through the collective bargaining procedures rather than the

EEO process.

Accordingly, the Agency's final decision dismissing Complainant's

complaint is AFFIRMED.



The Commission may, in its discretion, reconsider the decision in this

case if the Complainant or the Agency submits a written request containing

arguments or evidence which tend to establish that:

1. The appellate decision involved a clearly erroneous interpretation

of material fact or law; or

2. The appellate decision will have a substantial impact on the

policies, practices, or operations of the Agency.

Requests to reconsider, with supporting statement or brief, must be filed

with the Office of Federal Operations (OFO) within thirty (30) calendar

days of receipt of this decision or within twenty (20) calendar days of

receipt of another party’s timely request for reconsideration. See 29

C.F.R. § 1614.405; Equal Employment Opportunity Management Directive

for 29 C.F.R. Part 1614 (EEO MD-110), at 9-18 (November 9, 1999).

All requests and arguments must be submitted to the Director, Office of

Federal Operations, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, P.O. Box

77960, Washington, DC 20013. In the absence of a legible postmark, the

request to reconsider shall be deemed timely filed if it is received by

mail within five days of the expiration of the applicable filing period.

See 29 C.F.R. § 1614.604. The request or opposition must also include

proof of service on the other party.

Failure to file within the time period will result in dismissal of your

request for reconsideration as untimely, unless extenuating circumstances

prevented the timely filing of the request. Any supporting documentation

must be submitted with your request for reconsideration. The Commission

will consider requests for reconsideration filed after the deadline only

in very limited circumstances. See 29 C.F.R. § 1614.604(c).


You have the right to file a civil action in an appropriate United States

District Court within ninety (90) calendar days from the date that you

receive this decision. If you file a civil action, you must name as

the defendant in the complaint the person who is the official Agency

head or department head, identifying that person by his or her full

name and official title. Failure to do so may result in the dismissal

of your case in court. “Agency” or “department” means the

national organization, and not the local office, facility or department

in which you work. If you file a request to reconsider and also file a

civil action, filing a civil action will terminate the administrative

processing of your complaint.


If you decide to file a civil action, and if you do not have or cannot

afford the services of an attorney, you may request from the Court that

the Court appoint an attorney to represent you and that the Court also

permit you to file the action without payment of fees, costs, or other

security. See Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended,

42 U.S.C. § 2000e et seq.; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended,

29 U.S.C. §§ 791, 794(c). The grant or denial of the request is within

the sole discretion of the Court. Filing a request for an attorney with

the Court does not extend your time in which to file a civil action.

Both the request and the civil action must be filed within the time limits

as stated in the paragraph above (“Right to File a Civil Action”).



Carlton M. Hadden, Director

Office of Federal Operations

January 13, 2012






Office of Federal Operations

P.O. Box 77960

Washington, DC 20013